October 3, 2008

What is the Globe Afraid Of?

Today's Boston Globe has an idiotic piece by right-winger Jeff Jacoby (link), in which he extolls the wonders of Sarah Palin's performance at last night's debate. In their talkback section, there are numerous people bashing Jacoby. And many of them seem surprised that the Globe writer would defend Palin, given how poorly she actually did.

I wrote a short note to that talkback section, expressing wonder that anyone would be shocked by Jacoby's article. Anyone who reads his stuff on a regular basis knows he is neither a conservative nor a Libertarian. He is a right-wing Republican suck-up, who totes the party line about 99% of the time, deviating just often enough to allow him to claim indepenence.

All of that notwithstanding, the Globe did not allow my post to go through. I tried twice, but it did not show up either time. Which got me to wondering, what is the Globe afraid of? I know it wasn't blocked for offense or language reasons -- after all, someone got through with "Dude, put down the crack pipe!"

Perhaps as a media outlet with a liberal reputation they want to make sure people continue to believe that one of their columnists is a conservative. Maybe they are afraid if people actually looked at what Jacoby writes, they'd realize that the Globe has an all-but-official employee of the Republican Party writing on their Op-Ed page. Or it might be that they don't want the motives of their columnists questions.

But for whatever reason, they seem afraid to post what I wrote. And just so it is out there for all to see anyway, here is the gist of what I wrote (I can't do it word-for-word, because I don't have the post, the Globe does):

"It surprises me that anyone on this board is shocked that Jeff Jacoby exposed himself as a Republican stooge.

He and everyone else knows that Wall Street greed is to blame for the current economic crisis, yet Jacoby recently tried to blame 15 year-old laws passed by -- surprise -- Democrats.

He claims to be a conservative, but toes the party line on the Patriot Act and spying on American citizens.

And though he sometimes pretends to be a Libertarian, he stood on the sideline cheering while George W. Bush doubled the national debt and oversaw the biggest expansion of governmental power since the 1940s.

Any regular reader of Jacoby can only come to the conclusion that he is a Republican suck-up masquerading as a journalist/columnist. He is Rush Limbaugh with better writing skills; nothing more."

Doesn't seem like it was all that terrible, does it? So maybe you can tell me what the Globe was worried about. I'm at a loss to explain it.

- Scott

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